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Janet Smith BeBlessed Health and Fitness

Janet Smith BeBlessed Health and Fitness

Wife, Step Parent, Doggie Momma, Shoe Lover, Foodie, Beer Drinker and Transformation Coach who loves her family, friends and Jesus. Life is about balance. Enjoy the ride while taking care of your health. My family and my health are my WHY. The reason why I care about fitness and nutrition. My journey to live a healthy lifestyle has changed my life and it's turned into a passion for helping others change their lives too. Transformation is possible. I believe in YOU!

The Magic of Fiber

Posted by Janet Smith BeBlessed Health and Fitness on February 14 2017, 09:23am

Categories: #nutrition, #fitness tips

The Magic of Fiber

When you're trying to lose weight...obviously you have to cut calories. But doesn't that leave you feeling HANGRY? 😤


Did you know there is something that can help you feel fuller longer?


Nope, not a magic pill. 💊


Do you know what it is.....it's FIBER!


How do you get healthy fiber? 
Eat more fruits, vegetables, beans and grains.


How much is enough? The recommended daily amount is about 32 grams. So how do you know what much fiber is in your food?

Check this out:

Wheat Bran: 1 oz. = 13 g fiber

Chia Seeds: 1 oz. = 10 g fiber

Raspberries: 1 cup = 8 g fiber

Lentils: ½ cup cooked = 8 g fiber

Blackberries: 1 cup = 8 g fiber

Black Beans: ½ cup = 8 g fiber

Bulgur: 1 cup = 5 to 8 g fiber

Peas: 1 cup = 7 g fiber

Flax Seeds: 2 Tbsp = 6 g fiber

Artichoke: 1 medium = 6 g fiber

Pear: 1 medium = 5 g fiber

Oats: 1 cup cooked = 4 g fiber

Broccoli: 1 cup = 4 g fiber

Sunflower Seeds: ¼ cup = 4 g fiber


I know, for me, I try to have some berries for breakfast and that helps power me through my workouts. I also add flax and/or chia seeds to my daily shakes.


For more information and the facts behind this, visit this article.

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